The reality is that being good at what you do isn't enough. You also need to be VISIBLE!

Imagine it: being seen as an expert and thought leader by a community who are excited to hear from you, collaborating with people who once seemed impossibly out of reach, and getting paid to be the realest, most dynamic version of yourself.

If you've made it this far, you know you need to do this. And why not start right now?

Together you and I will:
  • Define your personal and business goals
  • Properly position your channel: Who is your ideal audience, and how is your channel different from everyone else in your niche?
  • Have fun creating a simple but flexible content strategy: 3-5 types of repeatable video concepts that you can reuse over and over, including an outline of the basic structure for each concept
  • Implement best practices like titles, thumbnails, and YouTube algorithms so that you can “play the game” without compromising your core vision. This includes a 70+ page PDF of everything I learned - positive and negative - over the years. 
  • Work through the entire process of creating a video: script, filming, editing, posting, marketing
  • Clear any internal blockers like doubt, fear of being seen, avoidance, and procrastination (all of which are very natural when you are leveling up in life!) to help you grow as a person and a creator
  • Create your first 2 videos including script, title, thumbnail and working with your editor to finalize them
Example channel positioning
Let's do this!

After paying, you'll be able to book your first call. I'm usually able to start within 48 hours, oftentimes sooner.

The process takes 4-6 weeks, depending mostly on your availability for our calls.